Center part of the building is the place of Hindu God Brahma who
is the creator of World.
Bramasthan is the distinctive feature of old age architecture stood on the Vastu
Shastra. Brahmasthan is central, most auspicious and influential area of a house.
All sides connect with the centre of a house. It scatters positive power in all
the sides. These positive powers in very much required for the family members of
the house. It is also a suitable place for industry of factory. This place may be
differentiated by colouring different colour in the ceiling.
If we wish to prosperous and live with happiness and harmony then we must be left
the Bramhasthan free from obstacles. Construction at the middle of the house means
obstructs the main power which keeps the family members lively. In the ancient age,
people built a courtyard at the middle of the house which was open to the sky and
the rooms near to the courtyard.
We must divide the plat into eight similar sizes from Eastern side to Western side
and Northern side to Southern side. Hence the plot will be divided into sixty four
equal sizes. 4 squares at the middle of the plat are Brahmasthan.
- Central part of the building should not be the bedroom, toilet, kitchen and this
point should be kept open
- There should not be any septic tank, well, water-storage tank, boring, and etc.
- It is recommended to keep this part of house peaceful, silent. This point of the
house should be the highest pick in the house. Most of the temple has this point
and the point is the tallest section in the house.
- There should be no Toilet at any condition placed in the center of the house.
- TV or Music system or washing machine or ant machine that makes noise should not
be placed in the center.
- One exception is, a BELL can be placed which is ring to pray the God or to show
your respect to GOD.
- Paint color is preferred as White. Or even Yellow, or light green is acceptable
in the Center of a House.
- As this place is known as Brahmasthan Or the holiest place in House, you should
not keep any garbage, Shoes, darts here, this may cause trouble in Family life.
- While constructing the house, keep in mind that there should not fall any heavy
pillar or Beam.
- Some of the house may have staircase at the center of the house, but this is also
not recommended inside house. This is ok if the house is a public place or a place
where thousands of visitors comes everyday.
- If kitchen is placed in the center of a house then this will cause health issue
in family members, especially to the elders in the family.
- Best recommended from Vastu is, Keep the place open as a part of your Living room
and then identify the central point and keep an Idol of the GOD you devote to. This
way, you will pay respect to the most powerful place of your home.